Sparkling Smiles,
Happy Kids

We are a specialized dental clinic in orthodontics and pediatric dentistry, offering all services related to pediatric treatment.

The Uniqueness of Upenn Barun Dental

Your child’s smile is more than a reflection of healthy oral care. It is her or her face to the world. We work hard to create a pleasant experience and earn the trust and confidence among both our patients and their parents. Every one of our board-certified professionals is devoted to careful, personalized attention to each child, helping to build a long-term relationship and foster a lifetime of good dental health

Pediatric Care

We’ve built our practice one patient at a time, believing that no two children have exactly the same needs. Because each child requires a unique level of attention and care, our treatment plans are highly personalized, with strong emphasis on prevention as the foundation for a lifetime of health oral care.

Pediatric Orthodontics

In addition to our practice of pediatric dentistry, we offer orthodontics services to patients and their families.  Our board-certified orthodontist works closely with your child’s pediatric dentist to meet each child’s needs and ensure all treatment plans are aligned. 

Invisalign First

treatment for children during the early mixed dentition stage, typically between the ages of 6 to 10, aims to address issues related to jaw growth and the eruption of permanent teeth. It focuses on optimizing the alignment of teeth and creating spaces to facilitate the proper eruption of permanent teeth. Through Invisalign simulations, we can assess and predict the child’s dental relationship. Invisalign First can also help improve skeletal problems and is removable, making it easy for maintaining a good oral hygiene.

Pediatric Dental Services


American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Academy of Pediatrics advise that the first dental visit should take place at age one or six months after the appearance of the first baby tooth. This early dental visit helps us build a connection with you and your child, identify any habits that could lead to future issues, and establish a welcoming "Dental Home" to ensure proper prevention and care.


Regular dental cleanings are essential for maintaining healthy gums and preventing cavities. A dental cleaning involves the removal of tartar and plaque and polishing the teeth to eliminate stains and any additional plaque buildup that may not be removed through regular tooth brushing.


We are dedicated to making every visit a positive one and gaining the trust and confidence of both our young patients and their parents. Our practice has grown by focusing on one patient at a time, understanding that each child has unique needs. Because every child deserves individual attention and care, our treatment plans are tailored specifically to them, with a strong emphasis on prevention as the cornerstone for a lifetime of good oral health.


Dental sealants are thin protective coatings applied to the grooves of the back teeth. They act as a barrier, preventing food and bacteria from getting trapped in these grooves. When combined with good at-home oral care and regular dental check-ups, dental sealants offer added protection for your child's back teeth and can significantly reduce the risk of cavities.

Dental Fillings

Tooth-colored fillings are the most natural-looking material used to repair cavities. Composite fillings can typically be completed in just one dental visit. After the decay is removed, the tooth is filled with this composite material, which hardens right away once it's in place. This helps restore the tooth's appearance and function while blending in seamlessly with the surrounding teeth.

Pediatric Crowns

Crowns are used to repair teeth that are damaged or have significant decay in children. These crowns cover the entire remaining structure of the tooth after any necessary treatment has been performed. They can be crafted from various materials, such as stainless steel, composite materials, and zirconia.

Pediatric Root Canal

When the inner part of a tooth, called the dental pulp, gets damaged, it can decay over time if not treated. Pulpotomy is a dental procedure that involves removing the damaged pulp, cleaning out the root canals, and filling them with a material that helps preserve the tooth until it naturally falls out on its own. This procedure aims to save the tooth and prevent further decay or infection.


Baby tooth extraction is usually a simple and quick procedure. It is important to monitor whether baby teeth are being replaced by permanent teeth at the appropriate time and to identify any issues regularly through dental check-ups. When baby teeth fall out prematurely, it can lead to issues with the alignment of permanent teeth and potentially affect overall oral health. Conversely, if baby teeth do not naturally come out at the right time, it might hinder the eruption of permanent teeth.

Laughing Gas
(Nitrous Oxide)

Nitrous oxide is a gas composed of nitrogen and oxygen. It is also known as laughing gas and is inhaled through a gentle mask over the nose. This treatment helps reduce tension and anxiety in children, making it easier for them to cooperate during the procedure. Additionally, nitrous oxide is a safe treatment method as it is completely eliminated from the body.


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